how to make kids study at home

How To Make Your Child Study At Home?

Some time ago, parents were curious why their children don’t study or show interest in their school homework. But as soon as the pandemic wave hit the world, the school’s classwork became some sort of responsibility for the parents. They need to focus on their children’s class learning as well as invest their time in homework or you can say study at home as well.

This is honestly a tedious job. Moreover, if a child doesn’t show willingness towards studying, this results in the form of short-tempering or scolding from the parent’s side.

So here today we are going to share some tried and tested tips and tricks which will help you to make your child study at home. These are the ones that we have monitored and observed closely for quite a long time. Hope you like and appreciate it. Let’s get started!

Things to Consider While Making Your Child Study at Home

child study at home

Sit with your kid

See, you must sit down with your kid when it comes down to study. Give them your time, your attention, and full concentration. In this way, they will get to know the importance of the study. And also, they will get satisfied that yeah, my parents are with me and giving me proper time and attention. They will not feel left out (until they are small). 

Ask them about their favorite subject

Every kid has their favorite subject which they like to study. Like they are willing to study that particular subject, and ever ready for that. For my daughter, it is Numeracy. Once you identify that, play your card. By bringing them attractive and creative books related to that subject, some engaging worksheets, watch cartoons or series related to that. You can incorporate the subject knowledge into the games that you play with your kid. 

Identify their mode of learning

Yeah, it is one of the important key factors that ye often miss! Identify whether your child is a visual, auditory, reading, or kinesthetic learner. We shall discuss different modes of learning very soon. However, your kid may prefer a combination of the learning modes to achieve the desired goal, or perhaps you wish the combination mode. Whatever model works for you and your child, just adapt that and try it out. You’ll surely be amazed by the progress and at the pace at which a child learns.

Develop their interest

It’s not like you try to develop your kid’s interest in studies and they will say, wow mama I’m enjoying… No! It doesn’t happen overnight. It takes a lot of patience and wise planning to develop their interest in studies… You can try your very own mommy-hacks to do so. Since it is very important that whatever the kids do, they do it willingly, with their interest. Only then the desired results can be achieved. 

Try to make studies fun, an activity that they enjoy. And for that, you also have to show them what you expect from them. Be with them when they study. Develop your habit of reading books and learning something new each day. When they see you reading and learning, they will eventually pick up these things. As a home is the child’s first institution.

Encourage them – Believe in them

You should always appreciate your children whatever efforts they are making in their way towards studies. Even if it is the slightest achievement, the smallest thing, but still, your appreciation does matter. Whenever they are hesitant, show that you believe in them and encourage them to go ahead and do the work! They can make mistakes initially but later will learn. This will enhance their decision-making skills and their confidence will reflect in their work.

Help them out in solving problems

Keep an eye on your child’s work. Always ask them out if they need any help. If they need any help in understanding the lesson, sit with them, read the problem, and workout with them. Though ask them to try once or twice, but if they’re not getting it. Go ahead and help them out!

Provide them an appropriate environment

The place where a child is sitting for study purposes mustn’t be too noisy. Provide them with a calm and positive environment where a child can focus on learning.

Things You Shouldn’t Do

Avoid distractions

It’s the basic element. Like whenever your kid sits for a study purpose. Avoid any sort of distractions for them. DO NOT USE MOBILE PHONE while you’re sitting with your kid and they are studying/ doing homework. Nowadays this is the biggest distraction a child could ever have. Likewise, avoid watching television in high volume, speaking with someone loudly, and discussing some attractive topics which can make kids lose their concentration.

Avoid scolding them for petty things

Remember, never scold your child for tiny things. Like they are tracing the lines properly, their handwriting is not up to the mark, they are not answering instantly, and so on. These are the areas that require your attention and need your time. You can work on that and get those things improved. But never scold your child for these things, else their confidence will shatter down. Else look at the other perspective and appreciate the things that they have done right. Though you can always ask theme for improvement, never scold or use harsh words on them. 

Don’t pressurize for grade/ rank

Always ask your children to give their best. And if somehow, they are unable to do that, help them to advance and take an active part in academics. If you are seeing that they are working hard, and still not able to get 1st position. That’s fine. At least your kid tried. You should be more focused on what they are learning and how much they understand the things, rather than just running after the position. Everyone wants to be number one, but what matters is how much they are getting out of the acquired knowledge. And once they start understanding things well, then getting a position is not a hard job to do.

Don’t compare them with other kids

Oh yeah, never compare your kids with others. If someone’s writing is good, they’ll be excelling in academics; never let down your child. Maybe your child is good in some other subject or has other areas of interest. Every kid learns at their own pace. No need to compare them, it’s pointless. And creates negative vibes too. 

Read Also: Embracing Your Child’s Uniqueness: Why Comparisons Aren’t Necessary

Final Words

So, these were the things that I would like to recommend each parent out there. And I try my best to stick to these points, and I can see the better results coming through. It might be possible that you may disagree with some of the points. Since the circumstances and scenarios are different for each parent and kid. There might be other strategies as well which you might be practicing and it’s working fine for you. So no worries and go ahead! Also, if you would like to share with us, you can send us email, and we’ll be happy to hear you out! 🙂

Lastly, let me share what I come across the other day while searching over internet, TodaysParent. It is a very good website that caters topics related to learning activities, education tools, and child development for different age groups.

  • Focuses on providing educational activities, book recommendations, and learning ideas for different age groups.
  • Website:

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