Preparing for Takeoff with Kids: Packing Essentials

Preparing for Takeoff with Kids: Packing Essentials

Hey mommies there! Are you getting ready to take off on a family adventure and wondering how to pack efficiently when traveling with kids? Whether you’re planning a weekend getaway or a longer trip, having the right packing essentials can make your journey much smoother. In this blog, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about preparing for takeoff with kids. From must-have items to clever packing tips, we’ve got you covered!

Let’s get started with essentials, then we shall advance through the most general guidelines that we all look for.

Flight Essesntials For Kids

Choosing the Right Bag Pack

Find a bag pack that your child loves, ideally one featuring their favorite cartoon characters or colors. Let them carry it themselves – it adds to the excitement!

Snack Smart

Pack small packs of your child’s favorite snacks, such as jelly beans, chocolate sticks, or finger snacks. A hungry toddler is not something you want to deal with mid-flight!

Handy Toys to the Rescue

Don’t forget to include your child’s favorite toys, whether it’s a small puzzle, action figure, or plush toy. Having something familiar can provide comfort during the flight.

Coloring Books and Crayons

Invest in lightweight coloring books and crayons to keep your little one entertained. Stickers are also a hit – my child could spend hours peeling them off and sticking them everywhere!

Engaging Activity Worksheets

Print out some engaging activity worksheets, focusing on ABCs, 123s, and simple coloring and shape exercises. They’re easy to carry and provide hours of entertainment.

Gadgets for Screen Time

If your child enjoys screen time, consider bringing along a tablet loaded with games and cartoons. Just be sure to set limits on screen time!

Navigating Turbulence: What to Avoid 

Here are some useful tips to keep yourself safe and content during unlikely and unavoidable flying conditions:

Say No to Messy Snacks

Avoid messy snacks that could create unnecessary messes mid-flight. Stick to dry, non-sticky options to keep things tidy.

Keep it Light

Don’t overload your child’s bag with unnecessary items. Stick to the essentials to keep it light and manageable.

Stay Calm

Above all, keep your cool if your child gets restless or upset. Take deep breaths and find ways to calm them down – a little patience goes a long way.

In-Flight Entertainment: Bonus Tips 

Wipes and Tissue Paper

Pack wipes or tissue paper for quick clean-ups – they’re a lifesaver for spills and messes.

Encourage Naptime

Encourage your child to nap during the flight – it’s a win-win for everyone! Bring along their favorite blanket or cuddly toy to help them drift off.

Prevent Earaches

Earplugs can help prevent earaches during takeoff and landing. Consider using them to protect your child’s ears from discomfort.

Introduce Activities Gradually

Introduce new activities and snacks one at a time to keep things interesting. This prevents boredom and ensures that you have plenty of distractions on hand.

Stay Hydrated

Remember to stay hydrated – it’s essential for both you and your little one. Pack plenty of water and encourage your child to drink regularly throughout the flight.

Most Common Questions and Their Answers

We have found the most common questions being asked my mommies all around the world. Here are the detailed answers for the most frequently asked questions.

How do I keep my kids busy on a plane? 

As a mom, keeping my kids busy on a plane is all about planning ahead and packing the right entertainment. I make sure to bring along their favorite toys, coloring books, and gadgets to keep them occupied. Snacks are a must to keep hunger at bay, and I always have a few surprises up my sleeve to keep things exciting.

What is the hardest age to fly with a child?

From my experience, the toddler years can be the most challenging when flying with a child. Toddlers are full of energy and curiosity, but they may not yet have the attention span to sit still for long periods. It can be tough to keep them entertained and calm during the flight, but with some preparation and patience, it’s definitely manageable.

How do I entertain my 3 year old on a long flight?


Entertaining a 3-year-old on a long flight requires a mix of activities and snacks to keep them happy. I bring along their favorite toys, coloring books, and activity worksheets to keep them busy. Snacks are a great way to break up the time and keep hunger at bay. And if all else fails, a tablet loaded with games and cartoons can provide some much-needed distraction.

How do I keep my child calm on a plane?

Keeping my child calm on a plane starts with setting expectations and providing reassurance. I talk to them about what to expect during the flight and reassure them that everything will be okay. I also make sure to bring along their favorite comfort items, whether it’s a cuddly toy or a favorite blanket. And if they start to get anxious, I offer plenty of hugs and cuddles to help calm their nerves.

At what age are kids easier to travel with? 

In my experience, kids tend to become easier to travel with as they get older and more independent. Around the ages of 5 or 6, they start to have a better understanding of what’s expected of them during travel and can entertain themselves for longer periods. Of course, every child is different, but generally speaking, older kids tend to be more adaptable and easier to travel with.

Is it safe for a 7 year old to fly alone?

Flying alone can be a big step for a 7-year-old, but with the right precautions and airline policies, it can be safe and manageable. I would recommend checking with the airline to see what their policies are for unaccompanied minors and what support they offer. It’s also important to prepare your child for the experience and talk to them about what to expect during the flight.

How do I prepare my child for the first flight?

Preparing my child for their first flight is all about setting expectations and easing any anxieties they may have. I talk to them about what to expect during the flight, from takeoff to landing, and reassure them that everything will be okay. I also make sure to pack their favorite comfort items and snacks to keep them happy and entertained during the journey.

How do I keep my 2 year old quiet on a plane?

Keeping a 2-year-old quiet on a plane can be a challenge, but with some preparation and patience, it’s definitely possible. I make sure to pack plenty of snacks and toys to keep them occupied during the flight. I also bring along their favorite comfort items, like a cuddly toy or blanket, to help keep them calm and content.

What is the best sedative for flying?

As a mom, I don’t recommend sedating children for flights unless absolutely necessary and under the guidance of a pediatrician. Sedatives can have unpredictable effects on children, and it’s important to consider their safety and well-being above all else. Instead, I focus on providing comfort and distraction during the flight to help keep my child calm and relaxed.

Why should children avoid night flights?

Night flights can be challenging for children, especially younger ones, as they may disrupt their sleep patterns and make them feel disoriented. It’s also harder for children to entertain themselves during nighttime flights, as the cabin lights are dimmed and there are fewer distractions available. For these reasons, I try to avoid night flights with my children whenever possible.

What age can a child sit by themselves on a plane?

The age at which a child can sit by themselves on a plane can vary depending on the airline’s policies and the child’s maturity level. Some airlines allow children as young as 5 or 6 to fly as unaccompanied minors, while others require children to be at least 12 years old. Ultimately, it’s up to the parent to decide when their child is ready to fly alone and to ensure that they feel comfortable and prepared for the experience.

Final Boarding Call: Conclusion

There’s no one-size-fits-all solution for keeping your child entertained during a flight. However, with a little preparation and creativity, you can make the journey a whole lot smoother. Remember to stay flexible and adapt to your child’s needs as you go. And if you have any tips or tricks of your own, we’d love to hear them! Drop us a line at Safe travels!

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